Buddhist pulls cars with her hair
In the spirit of love
If military personnel has the opportunity to ordain as a monk, what appropriate topics of the Buddhist teachings should they be taught? What kinds of merit will those who sponsor the ordination ceremony gain?
If military personnel has the opportunity to ordain as a monk, what appropriate topics of the Buddhist teachings should they be taught? And what kinds of merit will those who sponsor the ordination ceremony gain?
1.The Parent-Child Relationship # 3
Training them in virtue: The first ‘good friends’ to each and every one of us in the world are our parents or guardians. As such
I believe meditation has helped with my work and allowed me to have empathy with other people. I feel that, by meditating, I have been able to more fully understand myself.
Former Buddhist Nun Helps Stressed-Out Find Inner Peace
Phoenix Swan-Dragon
My mother saved up until she had a lot of money in a trust fund. Unfortunately, it seems like it was her kamma. That trust went bankrupt. My mother lost many millions of baht.
Four Primary Faiths or Confidence
- Confidence in the working of the Law of Kamma10. - Belief in the result of Kamma, the consequences of one’s actions.
Teach Children to Care for Critically Ill Relatives
All those who are living will one day depart from this world, but before they depart, they are usually ill, lying on a hospital bed
Disrobing Ceremony // July 24, 201 - DIMC New Jersey
After weeks of intensive training as part of the Dhammadayada ordination program, the novices from the Dhammakaya International Meditation Center, New Jersey gave an opportunity for their parents, guardians and Buddhists to make merits by receiving alms on July 24th, 2016.